
Can You Upgrade Ssd on Lenovo Yoga C930

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Yoga C930 hard drive too small

2019-01-25, 1:24 AM

Just purchased my C930 was surprised that my storage was not sufficient for my file transfer (though processing speed is much improved over my old Dell.) How do I increase internal storage? Can I do it myself?


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Re: Yoga C930 hard drive too small

2019-01-25, 2:14 AM

Hi there. Yes, you can upgrade the storage, and you can do it yourself.

The C930 has an M.2 PCIe slot, so you can upgrade to a larger M.2 2280 NVMe SSD. Here are a few options:



You'll need to clone your current SSD to the new one. Here's a good guide for that:

In order to clone your drive, you'll need an M.2 SSD to USB adapter, like this one: (Technically, you could use the M.2 slot for the wireless card to avoid having to buy an adapter, but it's risker as the slot for the wireless card is a 2242 form factor and the SSD won't just fit in there. In short, I recommend just buying an adapter like the one I linked above).

Circled in red is the storage drive. You'll just need a small Philips head screwdriver for that.

And here is the hardware manual. Refer to page 36 for more detailed info on how to swap out the storage drive:

Hope that helps!

Eric Xu

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Re: Yoga C930 hard drive too small

2019-01-25, 6:42 AM

What size hard drive did you get? It comes with 256, 510, 1TB and 2 TB...

I have the 1TB and it is almost empty. I had the 256 in the Yoga 900 and it still had plenty of room on it. If you just purchased it you probably can take it back and replace it with a larger harddrive, thus preventing voiding out the warranty.

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Can You Upgrade Ssd on Lenovo Yoga C930


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